Myra ERP

A digital platform connecting cooperatives all over the nation to technology.

Myra is a suit (ERP) of different independent, interoperable software systems (modules) to be used by the SACCOS (Saving And Credit Cooperative) and SACCOS Unions in order to manage various operations in their organization including (but not limited to) Core Banking, Ebanking, Accounting, Inventory, Workflow management, Documentation and Knowledge management. Myra aims to achieve a complete digital transformation around the services offered by the SACCOS. Goal of Myra is to digitalize the SACCOS operation by automating the operations. With the successful implementation of Myra, all the services offered by SACCOs will be completely cloud based, easy to use, secured, scalable and customizable with real-time data backup.

Modules In Myra Platform

  • Core Banking System
  • Accounting System
  • Member And Share Management
  • Inventory Management
  • Capacity & Training Management
  • HR Management
  • Business Process Management
  • Business Intelligence & Reporting
  • Compliance management
  • Fixed assets management
  • Document management
  • Alternative channels

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